Blepharoplasty and Dermatochalsis (excess skin/ bulging lids/dark circles)
Aging leads to loosening and stretching of the skin causing hooding and eyebags which can be unsightly. Sometimes the hooding can even obscure the eye leading to sight loss. The layers within the eyelid can weaken, leading to the fat around the eye moving forwards causing bulging within the lids and sharpening of the contours of the face (‘tear-trough’ changes). The skin can thin leading to the appearance of dark circles.
Blepharoplasty surgery can very successfully address the aging changes that affect the appearance of the eyes. This is one of the commonest cosmetic procedures performed by a large variety of surgeons. The procedure can range from the very quick to the much more involved, depending on what is required for the individual. It is a procedure that for the majority offers a great improvement in their appearance, however, in the minority it can lead to problems. It is a procedure that is easy to do badly and hard to do well which is why I would recommend surgery by an Oculoplastic surgeon; expert not only in the surgery of the skin, but specifically the eyelids.
Blepharoplasty surgery can very successfully address the aging changes that affect the appearance of the eyes. This is one of the commonest cosmetic procedures performed by a large variety of surgeons. The procedure can range from the very quick to the much more involved, depending on what is required for the individual. It is a procedure that for the majority offers a great improvement in their appearance, however, in the minority it can lead to problems. It is a procedure that is easy to do badly and hard to do well which is why I would recommend surgery by an Oculoplastic surgeon; expert not only in the surgery of the skin, but specifically the eyelids.